Extended Auto Warranties

Get Big Advantages with Extended Auto Warranties

Most car companies only offer a three year warranty from the time of original purchase. If you happen to drive more miles then most you'll find yourself with out a warranty after 36,000 miles, While some companies may offer longer warranties you may find that the coverage tapers down to just a few select components.

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Auto Warranty
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Today cars are being made to survive much longer, the basic warranties are not practical. Soon after your warranties expiration something breaks in the car, expenses for repair and new parts will be costly to any owner. As the car manufacturer won’t shoulder fees for repair and replacement of broken, worn-out or damaged car parts, this could jeopardized your budget. To avoid such expensive hassle, it’s time to enjoy the advantages of extended auto warranties by purchasing one of the plans ahead.

Many are still at a loss about what an extended warranty is. They end up paying for new engines, air conditioning systems or new engine control units. Considering that such items needed for all modern cars. If you have an older sports or luxury cars, which is only worth $13,000, would you pay $5000 for a new engine.

Such unbelievable expense drove people to the better option. These pack of smart car owners have since enjoyed and continue taking pleasure in the advantages of extended auto warranties.

Think about this. Any one major breakdown of your four year old or older vehicle will cost more then the annual premium you’re going to pay. Plus, for newer and recently manufactured cars, the repairs and replacements can be costlier. Why? Because more advanced systems and technology are involved which the auto mechanics have to train for and maintain tools for troubleshooting and fixing the car. This will get the cash register in your head ringing, right?

Right! Indeed, an extended warranty is a smart, cost-saving move.

So where to purchase it?

You either buy extended warranty from the dealer or dealership – if you’re going to buy a second hand car – or from any after-market auto warranty company. While the former is immensely popular, even known to some as “the only” means of getting such warranties, the latter has been accepted as the most practical, low-cost and efficient source.

Truth is, buying from the used-car dealer is an indirect purchases as they are mearly resellers of extended warranties. Buying from an after-market auto warranty companies means you’ll save more as you don’t have to pay for the dealer’s commission! This means you get all the advantages of extended auto warranties for much less the price!

As for choosing the best warranty companies, you could easily find one online as you could compare quotes from different sources. Browse for different sellers of these warranties to get the best coverage and rates, without the endless, pressuring sales talk of any dealer. Experts on the matter could also be found in these companies’ websites and other pages, and they, too, could expound more on the numerous advantages of extended auto warranties.